ICS welcomes SpinSpire as technology sponsor
In the year 2010, a company was born when a volunteer decided to build a better website for a non-profit organization. One could debate if that website made a real difference in the profile of the non-profit, or set it off on a trajectory of growth and excellence. But one thing is clear, it definitely did set that volunteer on a trajectory of personal and professional growth and that company on a trajectory of business excellence.
That volunteer was me, that company was SpinSpire, and that non-profit organization was JAXICS (Indian Cultural Society of Jacksonville). That website caught the attention of SpinSpire's first (would-be) client (a very large health insurance company based in Jacksonville), followed by many more. It gave me the experience and the confidence to build bigger & better solutions for SpinSpire's clients.
That beginning is the reason why SpinSpire and its people take giving back to the community very seriously. It is not just one of the things we do. It is the reason why we exist.
That website for JAXICS was built almost a decade back, and it went through multiple improvement attempts in the meanwhile. Finally, in 2019, JAXICS once again came back to SpinSpire and asked us to build a new version of their website, with even better features than before. We of course were more than happy to do it. They asked for a quote, but we didn't want to do it for money, so we sponsored it instead.
SpinSpire is very proud to build, host, and sponsor JAXICS's website, with many advanced features:
- Mobile first and responsive for smartphones and other devices.
- Fully managed hosting and support
- Self-service membership management (creation & renewal) for members and site admins
- Payment acceptance and processing for anyone
- Self-service events, media, and content management for site admins
- Self-service RSVP for anyone and backend management for site admins
- Self-service performance entries for members and non-members, and backend management for site admins
- Sponsor and advertiser management
- Integration with MailChimp for email list management
- And much, much more ...
We hope this will start a new chapter in the success of JAXICS and our community in Jacksonville, Florida.