Training Protal for Fortune 100 Global Brand
Training Protal for Fortune 100 Global Brand
- Designed to allow employees to locate, track, and complete various training activities that must be completed in order to perform their jobs and keep up to date
- Onboarding, team building, "continuous education" courses
- Integrations including:
- LMS (Moolde/Totara) -- Learning Management System to deliver your eLearning programs
- Single Sign-on via simpleSAMLphp
- Custom APIs
- CDN (Amazon S3 and Cloudfront) to serve assets
- Fully responsive (mobile friendly) theme
- Extensive search capabilities
- Solr backend
- Faceted search
- Multilingual
- Site and its content is available in 26 different languages
- Automatic translation of content via Bing Translation service
- Customizable layouts for each piece of content (via Paragraphs module)
- Tour guides users through the various features the first time they visit the site
- Content Moderation
- Content can pass through various states before going live depending on the needs to the content authors
- RESTful API to expose data to be used by other internal sites
- Custom reports for:
- Managers to track their subordinate's learning progress & history
- Submitting and keeping track of employees with certain skills (Emergency Response)
- Several custom modules were written to add/enhance site functionality
- User tracking and analytics (Google Analytics)
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