Javascript is a loosly typed language and, like many languages, contains primitive and non-primitive types.
In JavaScript primitives are defined as "data that is not on object and has no methods". The values themselves cannot have methods and are therefore immutable. They can only be altered by re-assignment.
- String
- A collection of characters contained within quotation marks (single or double).
const name = 'John';
- Number
- Can be an integer or float
const age = 25;
- Boolean
- True or false
let isOpen = true;
- Undefined
- The default value for variables before they’re assigned a value
let x; // x is of type undefined at this point.
x = 5; // x no longer has a type of undefined, instead it's now a number. - Null
let x = null;
- Symbol (ES6)
- Symbol is a built-in object whose constructor returns a symbol primitive — also called a
Symbol value
or just aSymbol
that’s guaranteed to be unique - Symbols are often used to add unique property keys to an object that won’t collide with keys any other code might add to the object
let sym1 = Symbol()
let sym2 = Symbol('foo') - Symbol is a built-in object whose constructor returns a symbol primitive — also called a
- BigInt (ES2020)
- Used to represent whole numbers with a value larger than 2^53 - 1 (~ 9 quadrillion)
- Can be created by either appending a "n" to the end of the integer literal, or by using the BigInt() constructor
const previouslyMaxInteger = 9007199254740991n
const anotherHuge = BigInt(9007199254740991)- BigInt values cannot be used with the built-in Math object
- They also cannot be mixed with a
value in operations.
let num = 123;
let bigInt = BigInt(9007199254740992);
// This is not allowed, and will result in an error.
let newValue = num + bigInt;
// You must convert all values into BigInt types.
let newValue = BigInt(num) + bigInt;
- Array
- A collection data that is numerically indexed
- They can contain items of any data type
let fruits = ['apple', 'orange'];
let mixedArr = ['red', 7, false];- When addressing arrays you must do so using the numerical index
let fruits = ['apple', 'orange'];
// This will print 'apple'.
// This will print 'orange'.
console.log(fruits[1]); - Object
- A collection of keys-value pairs referred to as properies
- The data is stored in an unordered fashion, unlike arrays
- The keys must always be a String
- The values can be of any data type including other objects or functions
let animals = {
'mammals': ['elephant', 'bear', 'whale'],
'reptiles': ['alligator', 'lizard', 'turtle']
'birds': ['ostrich', 'flamingo', 'pigeon']
Arrays and Objects will be discussed in more detail in another lesson (link tbd).