Developing Github Actions Locally using act

Submitted by Ricardo Carrasco on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 14:48

I have been working in a professional devops/automation role for about 2 years now, the CICD work I've done was mainly with Jenkins. Recently I was asked to automate the deployments for a static site using github actions. I've never worked with github actions before but I wasn't afraid of the challenge.
As I began work on the pipeline i stumbled upon a tool that allows you to run your github actions on your local machine, today I'm sharing that tool with you.

recipes for docker-compose, svelte-kit, golang, pocketbase, python, ...

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 15:48

At SpinSpire, every year we take dozens of projects to production. But in order to get there, we have to build dozens of projects per month, only some of which gets released. In this process, we master several tech stacks. After going through this process many times we've made some common observations:

ICS welcomes SpinSpire as technology sponsor

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Sun, 09/15/2019 - 14:43

In the year 2010, a company was born when a volunteer decided to build a better website for a non-profit organization. One could debate if that website made a real difference in the profile of the non-profit, or set it off on a trajectory of growth and excellence. But one thing is clear, it definitely did set that volunteer on a trajectory of personal and professional growth and that company on a trajectory of business excellence.

Creating a React Application with Headless Drupal 8

Submitted by Troy Kearney on Tue, 03/28/2017 - 15:43
For this tutorial I will go over how to setup a Drupal 8 site with RESTful services as well as setting up a simple React application which will retrieve a list of Articles and allow for the creation of articles for logged in users with the proper credentials. Before working with React we will need to configure Drupal to provide us with some RESTful services.

Drupal pre-reqs: What you need to know before you start learning Drupal

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Sat, 10/22/2016 - 09:43

I gave a presentation on Drupal pre-reqs: What you need to know before you start learning Drupal at DrupalCamp Atlanta on October 22nd, 2016. See below for the abstract of the presentation, and all the resources, including the slides and screencast videos.


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