Location finder with zero coding using Drupal location, gmap and views modules
Submitted by Jitesh Doshi
on Sat, 06/13/2015 - 12:36
Drupal is a such a powerful and mature platform that you can build a full featured location finder (e.g. Store Locator) with zero coding, with judicious configuration and some fantastic contrib modules.
Here's a rundown of the features:
- A very flexible Store Location content type with any number and types of custom fields (such as service offered, store hours etc.)
- Import any number of store locations — along with custom fields — from a CSV file.
- Automatically geocode (assign latitude & longitude) the locations based on the address entered.
- A search form and result listing (a Drupal views view with an exposed form) that shows matching locations.
- The user can enter their zip code and see the distance of the location from their zipcode. And also sort based on distance.
- Show all matching locations on an interactive map.
So, let's get started.
- Install and configure the location module. It provides a special "location" field type that not only holds an address, but also holds geographical coordinates (latitude & longitude). It also has capability to convert an address into lat/long. As of this writing, you must use the 7.x-3.x-dev version of the module, and not the recommended release, because of a serious bug.
- Create a content type for Store Location, including the custom fields relevant to your business.
- Download this CSV file from here and unzip it.
- Create a feeds importer to import the CSV file rows as Store Location nodes. Don't forget to add the location_feeds module.
- Create a view with "page" display, a "gmap" attachment display, and an exposed filter to enter the zipcode.
- Finally, package the whole setup as a feature.