SpinSpire releases top-level Drupal project - Popular Tags

SpinSpire releases top-level Drupal project - Popular Tags

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 06:22

I'm very pleased to announce that SpinSpire has released and published on drupal.org as top-level project - popular tags (http://drupal.org/project/popular-tags), Drupal module for better taxonomy tag selection (details below).

I now also have the rights to create and promote new top-level projects. In Drupal community, it is considered a significant badge of honor.

Top level projects are different from sandbox projects on drupal.org in that they have to go through a rigorous peer-review process to become top-level and are considered safe/high-quality enough for public use. I have several sandbox projects at http://drupal.org/user/1799550, and some of those projects will turn into top-level projects when they are mature enough.


About Popular Tags module

Using clickable tags - tag selection for an article
Enabling popular tags on a content-type field

This module allows the users to select taxonomy terms/tags by just clicking on them rather than typing them (auto-complete) or selecting them from a select box/checkbox/radio etc. It shows them a list of tags, sorted by popularity (defined as how many nodes are tagged with it), up to a configurable maximum number. Also, when you hover over a listed tag, it shows how many times it has been used.

This helps the user see what the most commonly used tags, rather than having to guess. It also avoids creation of numerous closely related and similar tags because the user can see such a tag if it already exists. The fact that the tag is only a click away, encourages users to coalesce around a tighter vocabulary than one would have in the absence of this module.


I would like to thank Anupam Akolkar who helped with the early stages of the popular tags module. Also to thank, our client Techwell, from where the need and idea for such a module originated.


Jitesh Doshi

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  • Expert in cloud, application integration, web and mobile technologies
  • Author of open-source projects, including on Drupal.org - Popular Tags and PRLP.
  • Developed several highly successful software platforms and frameworks for clients