We are hiring!
We are in need of smart and motivated developers to come and join our team. We do not ask for any specific skill-set. That's because we train you! The only requirements are ...
- You are smart. That means strong analytical abilities. You know, the kind of person who can figure out how a system works, and troubleshoot a problem.
- You are motivated to learn. You love learning for its own sake. You spend your weekends and evenings reading technical books or watching technical videos.
- You know at least one programming language, plus HTML.
We will train you!
That's right. Our leadership team comprises of top-notch developers who love coding and teaching. So you'll learn from the best how to write "High Performance Web & Mobile" applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, PHP and a host of other technologies such as Linux, Android, PhoneGap, nginx, git, ssh, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, AngularJS, bootstrap and more.
How to apply.
Just send an email with your phone number, resume/profile, and -- most importantly -- your story describing your background, your motivations and your value-system to - jobs@spinspire.com. We will call you back within a couple of days.