
Our developers love sharing their knowledge usually acquired from issues they had to face and solve. We share this knowledge, hoping to help anyone who faces the same or similar issues.

by Jitesh Doshi || September 15th, 2019 In the year 2010, a company was born when a volunteer decided to build a better website for a non-profit organization. One could debate if that website made a real difference in the profile of the non-profit, or set it off on a trajectory of growth and excellence. But one...
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by Christian Crawford || May 6th, 2019 This is a continuation of a previous post. If you haven't read it I suggest that you do so before reading further, otherwise you won't understand the context. Plugins Drupal 8 introduced the idea of plugins. In this article I will be briefly explaining how you can create your own...
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by Christian Crawford || May 6th, 2019 This is the first part in a series of posts that I have written on this topic. In this first post I will discuss the reasons why I ported the module to Drupal 8 and some of the more basic module code (YAML files and forms). In the next post...
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by Christian Crawford || May 2nd, 2019 Introduction I was recently given a requirement by a client in which they wanted content authors to be able to find and replace instances of words across potentially every piece of content in the site. This is a request that I've received in the past and have been able to...
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by Caetano Silveira || October 5th, 2018 SpinSpire will be hosting an Open House from for developers, students, and professionals to meet and make connections. We will be recruiting for training, internship and future employment opportunities. Refreshments will be provided. Industry professionals as well as the SpinSpire team will be on site to discuss the industry, how...
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by Christian Crawford || August 14th, 2017 (The following event was cancelled due to hurricane Irma. We will try to have another event like this one at another time.) Drupal User Group of Jacksonville, FL is celebrating Drupal Global Training Days 2017 by organizing a full day training in Drupal 8 on Saturday, September 9, 2017. This...
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