
Creating the parallax effect using Javascript and CSS

Submitted by Jordan McLemore on Tue, 06/17/2014 - 12:50

The parallax effect, or scrolling parallax effect, has become popular on modern websites. My favorite example of the parallax effect is implemented on http://boy-coy.com/. You may be thinking to yourself that this looks difficult to implement, but actually it's incredibly easy. The most difficult part will be creating the images and deciding how to make them move and work together.

Drupal Zen theme and SASS

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Fri, 02/15/2013 - 21:26

Zen is one of the best themes (in terms of solid, clean foundation) out there. And 7.x-5.x release is even better than previous ones. It comes with a drush command to create Zen subthemes in seconds. It also has very clearly laid out and documented CSS stylesheets in the css folder that allow easy modification of styles.

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