
Developing your first iOS Application

Submitted by Christian Crawford on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 16:04

Developing an iOS application may seem like a daunting task for one to complete, especially if you are not familiar with the Objective-C language and its syntax. However it’s actually not all that difficult to create a basic hello world like application with very little knowledge of the language. If you are familiar with the C programming language the code should look somewhat familiar.

Enabling Drupal website for access by mobile devices

Submitted by Pramod Jain on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 10:28

Rich content of a Drupal website looks good on a large screen, but is, at best, difficult to read and use on a small screen of a smart phone. This article will describe a way to customize a drupal website so that it works well on both big and small screens.  Following a list of desired functionality:

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