SpinSpire releases Webform Single Use Options module

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Wed, 02/29/2012 - 13:14

<p>SpinSpire is pleased to announce the beta release of our Webform Single Use Options Drupal module (see <a href="http://drupal.org/sandbox/jitesh_doshi/1439044">here to view</a>). Webform module is a very useful and versatile module that we have used in many situations. But sometimes you need a webform select list to start removing options once they have been used in a submission.

Automatic Drupal site deployment with git

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 09:51

In this article I will show how to setup git and Drupal in such a way that you can keep editing your site's modules, themes and libraries on your local machines and every time to do 'git push' it automatically deploys to your pubilc Drupal site - without having to login into your webhosting provider and doing checkout/reset on your working tree.


Paypal IPN verify fails without SSL in sandbox

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Sun, 11/06/2011 - 19:02

I was testing a new module I am writing. It is designed to receive IPN (instant payment notification) postbacks from Paypal. And when the code receives an IPN postback, it in turn calls Paypal again and asks Paypal to verify that the given IPN is real and not fake. Paypal is supposed to look at the IPN data and reply with a string "VERIFIED"

Using Colorbox to show your node images in Drupal 7

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Sat, 03/12/2011 - 09:48

Drupal 6 is very good. But Drupal 7 is even better. Much cleaner user interface (UI), and much cleaner application programming interface (API) as well.

Today, I'm going to talk about Colobox integration in Drupal 7. With Colorbox in D7, you can show your attached images in a very user-friendly (and nice looking manner).

Let's say you want to enhance the "Article" content type with Colorbox images ("Article" content type in D7 replaces "Story" content type from D6).

Limited supply options lists in webforms

Submitted by Jitesh Doshi on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 22:11

In Drupal webforms, often we come across situations where we have select component (displayed as select list, radio buttons or checkboxes) in a webform, but we don't want multiple submissions to use the same options. For example, when people are reserving seats for themselves using your webform, you don't want two people to reserve the same seats. This means you want options in the select component to start disappearing from the webform display once they are used in a webform submission. Here is a nice little Drupal 6.x module that does just that. All you have to do is ...

Enabling Drupal website for access by mobile devices

Submitted by Pramod Jain on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 10:28

Rich content of a Drupal website looks good on a large screen, but is, at best, difficult to read and use on a small screen of a smart phone. This article will describe a way to customize a drupal website so that it works well on both big and small screens.  Following a list of desired functionality:

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