
Getting started with Jython

Submitted by Christian Crawford on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 15:54

As you can guess from the name Jython is an amalgamation of the Python and Java programming languages. It is one of three implementations of the Python language, the other two being CPython and IronPython (.Net). Jython is one of the most mature JVM languages that is available on the Java platform. The language was created in 1997 to replace the C language with Java for performance-intensive code accessed by python programs.

Java: From Basics to RESTful Services

Submitted by Dmitry Boychev on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 14:34

Why Java? Hundreds of reasons can be found with a single google search, but we all know Java language is not perfect, and so for every reason for Java, we can find an opposite. But the following two reasons are enough to convince anyone: leading development platform (brings business) and JVM. The Java platform will not go anywhere in the near future, and languages like Groovy will make certain of that. "Groovy is like a super version of Java. It can leverage Java's enterprise capabilities but also has cool productivity features like closures, builders and dynamic typing.

Combining JPA and JAX-RS to create RESTful service

Submitted by Christian Crawford on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 19:45

Java Persistence API (JPA) abstracts the database interactions and treats them as objects rather than simply queries. Since these queries are now objects, the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) can come into play including, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Persistence in the java language is actually not a new concept at all. Many implementations have been created in the past including, EDJ, JDO, Hibernate, and Toplink to name a few. JPA was designed with the idea of simplifying the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) programming model.

Creating a RESTful service with Java and Jersey with Netbeans

Submitted by Mark Tsibulski on Fri, 11/28/2014 - 19:15

There are many ways to implement a RESTful service, but what if you need to do it in Java and you use Netbeans? I recently had a project like this and it was quite an experience to get my enviorment up and working. With Java, there are just so many ways to do it that it starts to look like too much to handle. Well it is actually easier than you think. Let's dive in..

First, fire up Netbeans and create a new Maven Web Application project. Give it a name of you choosing.

Easily creating a GUI in Java using Jframe in NetBeans 8.0

Submitted by Jordan McLemore on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 10:33

This guide will show you a quick introduction on using the JFrame tools in NetBeans to easily create a GUI for your java programs. NetBeans provides a user interface that allows you to very easily generate your GUI without having to hand code it yourself. This will organize your code and allows you to easily add logic and operations to your buttons, text fields, and more.

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